Showing 11 Result(s)
Exploring the Impact of Early-Life Penicillin Exposure on Gut Microbiome and Brain Gene Expression
Cognitive Neuroscience and Brain Function

Early-Life Penicillin Exposure: Gut Microbiome and Brain Gene Expression

Volkova et al. (2021) investigated the effects of early-life exposure to low-dose penicillin on the gut microbiome and gene expression in brain regions critical for neurodevelopment. Using a mouse model, the study provides important insights into how antibiotics may influence the gut-brain axis and potentially contribute to neurodevelopmental disorders. Background …

Gut Microbiota and Neurodevelopment in Infancy
Cognitive Neuroscience and Brain Function

Gut Microbiota and Neurodevelopment in Infancy

The relationship between gut microbiota and neurodevelopment has been a growing area of interest in recent years. Tamana et al. (2021) provide compelling evidence of how gut microbiota composition in late infancy correlates with cognitive, language, and motor development, particularly among male infants. Background Gut microbiota, often referred to as …

Screen Time and Cognitive Outcomes in Extremely Preterm Children
Cognitive Development and Neurodevelopment

Screen Time and Cognitive Outcomes in Extremely Preterm Children

Vohr et al. (2021) conducted a cohort study examining the relationship between screen time and various developmental outcomes in children born extremely preterm (EPT). The findings highlight the influence of high screen time on cognitive, executive, and behavioral functions at school age. This post reviews the study’s context, results, and …

The Long-term Impact of Being Born Small for Gestational Age on Cognitive Performance
Cognitive Development and Neurodevelopment

Cognitive Development in Individuals Born Small for Gestational Age

Research by Eves et al. (2020) examines the cognitive outcomes of individuals born small for gestational age (SGA) from infancy to adulthood. The study assesses whether the effects of being SGA differ based on neonatal or fetal growth references. Findings highlight both the cognitive challenges faced by SGA individuals and …

Impact of Very Preterm Birth and Low Birth Weight on Adult IQ
Cognitive Development and Neurodevelopment

Impact of Very Preterm Birth and Low Birth Weight on Adult IQ

Research by Eves et al. (2021) examines the long-term cognitive outcomes of individuals born very preterm (VPT) or with very low birth weight (VLBW) compared to those born at term. The study uses a comprehensive meta-analysis of individual participant data (IPD) from multiple cohorts to identify factors contributing to differences …

Impact of Early SSRI Treatment on Cognitive and Brain Development in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome
Cognitive Development and Neurodevelopment

Impact of Early SSRI Treatment on Cognitive and Brain Development in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome

This study by Mancini et al. (2021) examines how early treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) affects cognition and brain development in individuals with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11DS). This syndrome is associated with a high risk for schizophrenia, making it an important focus for research into psychosis and its …

Exploring the Mysteries of Decision Acuity and Its Impact on Mental Health
Cognitive Neuroscience and Brain Function

Decision Acuity and Its Impact on Mental Health

Moutoussis et al. (2021) introduce “decision acuity” as a measurable cognitive construct distinct from intelligence quotient (IQ). Their research investigates how decision acuity relates to mental health, social functioning, and brain connectivity, offering new insights into the interplay between cognition and psychopathology. Background Decision-making has long been recognized as a …

Improving Norm Score Quality with Regression-Based Continuous Norming
Psychological Measurement and Testing

How Continuous Norming Outperforms Conventional Methods

Lenhard and Lenhard (2021) investigate how regression-based continuous norming can enhance the quality of norm scores in psychometric testing. Their study compares semiparametric continuous norming (SPCN) with conventional methods, evaluating performance across a wide range of simulated test conditions and sample sizes. Background Norm scores are crucial in psychological and …

Building Resistance Against Online Misinformation
Technological Advances in Psychology

Building Resistance Against Online Misinformation

Roozenbeek, Maertens, McClanahan, and van der Linden’s 2021 study examines the methodological factors affecting the effectiveness of the “Bad News” game, an intervention designed to combat misinformation online. The study explores how item and testing effects influence the intervention’s outcomes and assesses its role in building resilience against misinformation. Background …

Mediterranean Diet and Cognitive Function: A Review on the Relationship with Brain Aging
Cognitive Aging and Decline

Dietary Patterns, Cognitive Function, and Brain Aging

Corley et al. (2020) present a study examining how dietary patterns influence cognitive function and brain aging in older adults. Using data from the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936, the research identifies associations between two dietary patterns—Mediterranean-style and processed diets—and cognitive performance, as well as structural neuroimaging markers of brain health. …