Showing 11 Result(s)
Addressing the Divide Between Psychology and Psychometrics
Statistical Methods and Data Analysis

Addressing the Divide Between Psychology and Psychometrics

The article “Rejoinder to McNeish and Mislevy: What Does Psychological Measurement Require?” by Klaas Sijtsma, Jules L. Ellis, and Denny Borsboom provides a detailed response to criticisms and discussions raised by McNeish and Mislevy regarding the role and application of the sum score in psychometric practices. The authors address core …

Interpreting Differential Item Functioning with Response Process Data
Statistical Methods and Data Analysis

Interpreting Differential Item Functioning with Response Process Data

Understanding differential item functioning (DIF) is critical for ensuring fairness in assessments across diverse groups. A recent study by Li et al. introduces a method to enhance the interpretability of DIF items by incorporating response process data. This approach aims to improve equity in measurement by examining how participants engage …

Integrating SDT and IRT Models for Mixed-Format Exams
Statistical Methods and Data Analysis

Integrating SDT and IRT Models for Mixed-Format Exams

Lawrence T. DeCarlo’s recent article introduces a psychological framework for mixed-format exams, combining signal detection theory (SDT) for multiple-choice items and item response theory (IRT) for open-ended items. This fusion allows for a unified model that captures the nuances of each item type while providing insights into the underlying cognitive …

Everyday Physical Activity and Cognitive Health
Cognitive Abilities and Intelligence

The Link Between Physical Activity and Cognitive Health

Recent research highlights how everyday physical activity can benefit cognitive health. A study by Hakun et al. (2024) examined the short-term effects of regular physical activity on mental processing speed and working memory. Using real-time assessments, the study provides new insights into how light and moderate physical activities can promote …

Rotation Local Solutions in Multidimensional Item Response Models
Statistical Methods and Data Analysis

Rotation Local Solutions in Multidimensional Item Response Models

Nguyen and Waller’s (2024) study provides an in-depth analysis of factor-rotation local solutions (LS) within multidimensional, two-parameter logistic (M2PL) item response models. Through an extensive Monte Carlo simulation, the research evaluates how different factors influence rotation algorithms’ performance, contributing to a deeper understanding of multidimensional psychometric models. Background The study …

Gender Differences in Early Education Impacts on Cognitive Outcomes
Environmental and Socioeconomic Influences on Cognition

Gender Differences in Early Education Impacts on Cognitive Outcomes

This study, published by Burchinal et al. (2024), examines the long-term effects of early childhood education (ECE) interventions on cognitive outcomes, with a focus on how impacts vary by gender. Using data from the Carolina Abecedarian Project, the researchers explore treatment effects from infancy through middle adulthood, highlighting key differences …

Group-Theoretical Symmetries in Item Response Theory (IRT)
Statistical Methods and Data Analysis

Group-Theoretical Symmetries in Item Response Theory (IRT)

Item Response Theory (IRT) is a widely adopted framework in psychological and educational assessments, used to model the relationship between latent traits and observed responses. This recent work introduces an innovative approach that incorporates group-theoretic symmetry constraints, offering a refined methodology for estimating IRT parameters with greater precision and efficiency. …

Sensorimotor Variability Influences Early Cognition in Toddlers with Autism
Cognitive Development and Neurodevelopment

Sensorimotor Variability and Early Cognition

A recent study by Denisova and Wolpert (2024) investigates how early sensorimotor features relate to cognitive differences in toddlers diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). By examining over 1,000 children with varying IQ levels, the researchers reveal how sensorimotor variability impacts behaviors linked to autism, providing valuable insights for individualized …

Theoretical Framework for Bayesian Hierarchical 2PLM with ADVI
Statistical Methods and Data Analysis

Theoretical Framework for Bayesian Hierarchical 2PLM with ADVI

This article discusses a Bayesian hierarchical framework for the Two-Parameter Logistic (2PL) Item Response Theory (IRT) model. By introducing hierarchical priors for both respondent abilities and item parameters, this method offers a detailed perspective on latent traits. Additionally, the use of Automatic Differentiation Variational Inference (ADVI) makes the approach scalable …

Distinct Genetic and Environmental Origins of Hierarchical Cognitive Abilities in Adult Humans
Genetics and Cognitive Abilities

Distinct Genetic and Environmental Origins of Hierarchical Cognitive Abilities in Adult Humans

Understanding how genetic and environmental influences shape cognitive abilities remains a cornerstone of psychological research. Jiang et al. (2024) present an important study that examines these influences through a structured twin-based model. This research provides insight into how basic and higher-order cognitive functions are differentially affected by genetic inheritance and …