Showing 23 Result(s)
Tellegen & Briggs Formula 4 Calculator: A New Tool for Psychometric Precision
Psychological Measurement and Testing

Tellegen & Briggs Formula 4 Calculator at

The Tellegen & Briggs Formula 4 Calculator, available at, is a specialized tool designed to help professionals recalibrate and interpret scores from psychological assessments. It provides an efficient way to calculate the Tellegen-Briggs Index (TBI), which is particularly useful when standardization data is unavailable or limited. Background The Tellegen-Briggs …

Simulated IRT Dataset Generator
Technological Advances in Psychology

Simulated IRT Dataset Generator v1.00 at

The Dataset Generator available at is a powerful resource designed for researchers and practitioners working with Item Response Theory (IRT). This tool simulates datasets tailored for psychometric analysis, enabling users to explore a range of testing scenarios with customizable item and subject characteristics. It supports the widely used 2-Parameter …

Cognitive Ability and Miscalibrated Financial Expectations
Cognitive Abilities and Intelligence

Cognitive Ability and Optimism Bias

This post examines findings from Chris Dawson’s research on the connection between cognitive ability and optimism bias in financial decision-making. Using data from over 36,000 individuals in the U.K., the study highlights how cognitive ability influences unrealistic optimism, particularly in financial expectations versus actual outcomes. Background Optimism bias refers to …

Advancements in Research on High-IQ Individuals Through Scientific Inquiry
Cognitive Abilities and Intelligence

Decoding High Intelligence: Interdisciplinary Insights

Research into high intelligence provides valuable insights into human cognitive abilities and their impact on individual and societal progress. By exploring the historical development of intelligence studies, the challenges of measuring exceptional cognitive abilities, and recent advancements in neuroscience and psychometrics, this article highlights the ongoing importance of understanding high-IQ …

Scientific Development and Applications of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
Psychological Measurement and Testing

The Complex Journey of the WAIS: Insights and Transformations

The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), developed in 1955 by David Wechsler, introduced a broader and more dynamic approach to assessing cognitive abilities. Over the years, it has been refined through several editions, becoming one of the most widely used tools in psychological and neurocognitive evaluations. This post reviews its …

The SAT’s Evolution and Its Connection to Intelligence Testing
Cognitive Abilities and Intelligence

Tracing the SAT’s Intellectual Legacy and Its Ties to IQ

The Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) has been a central element of academic assessment in the United States for nearly a century. Initially designed to provide an equitable way to evaluate academic potential, its evolution reflects shifts in societal values, educational theories, and cognitive research. This post examines the SAT’s historical …

Prenatal Phthalate Exposure and Its Impact on Young Brains
Environmental and Socioeconomic Influences on Cognition

Hidden Harm: Prenatal Phthalate Exposure and Its Impact on Young Brains

Ghassabian et al. (2023) provide a detailed analysis of the relationship between prenatal exposure to phthalates and its potential effects on brain development and cognitive outcomes in children. Using data from the Generation R study, the research explores how exposure during pregnancy may influence brain volume and IQ scores in …

Introducing AMES: A Self-Administered Tool for Early Detection of Cognitive Decline
Cognitive Aging and Decline

AMES: A New Dawn in Early Detection of Cognitive Decline

The Automated Memory and Executive Screening (AMES) tool, introduced by Huang et al. (2023), represents a significant step in identifying early cognitive decline. Designed for use in primary care settings, AMES evaluates cognitive domains such as memory, language, and executive function. This post reviews the study’s findings and the tool’s …

Overclaiming Among Teens: Key Insights from Global PISA Data
Psychological Measurement and Testing

Overclaiming: Insights from 40,000 Teens

Overclaiming, where individuals assert knowledge of concepts they do not actually understand, offers a fascinating glimpse into confidence and self-perception. In their 2023 study, Jerrim, Parker, and Shure examine this phenomenon through an analysis of PISA data from over 40,000 teenagers across nine Anglophone countries. This investigation reveals significant patterns …

Exploring Cognitive and Brain Development Through GALAMMs
Cognitive Neuroscience and Brain Function

Exploring Cognitive and Brain Development Through GALAMMs

Sørensen, Fjell, and Walhovd’s 2023 research introduces Generalized Additive Latent and Mixed Models (GALAMMs), a methodological advancement designed for analyzing complex clustered data. This approach holds particular relevance for cognitive neuroscience, offering robust tools for examining how cognitive and neural traits develop over time. Background Traditional models used in cognitive …