Showing 7 Result(s)
Refining Reliability with Attenuation-Corrected Estimators
Statistical Methods and Data Analysis

Refining Reliability with Attenuation-Corrected Estimators

Jari Metsämuuronen’s (2022) article introduces a significant advancement in how reliability is estimated within psychological assessments. The study critiques traditional methods for their tendency to yield deflated results and proposes new attenuation-corrected estimators to address these limitations. This review examines the article’s contributions and its implications for improving measurement precision. …

The Role of Self-Control Strategies in SAT Outcomes
Educational Psychology and Interventions

The Role of Self-Control Strategies in SAT Outcomes

Baldwin et al. (2022) examine how strategic self-control and willpower influence Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) preparation and performance. Their findings provide valuable insights into how students can enhance their outcomes on high-stakes exams by focusing on effective self-control strategies. Background The study is based on the premise that self-control is …

Assessing Air Pollution’s Impact on Health and Cognitive Function
Environmental and Socioeconomic Influences on Cognition

Assessing Air Pollution’s Impact on Health and Cognitive Function

Landrigan et al. (2022) present a detailed strategy for evaluating how air pollution affects health and cognitive function at the community level. Their study focuses on Massachusetts, revealing significant health outcomes and IQ loss even at air pollution levels below current EPA standards. The findings emphasize the need for stricter …

The Role of Maternal Milk Feeding in Neurodevelopmental Outcomes
Cognitive Development and Neurodevelopment

The Role of Maternal Milk Feeding in Neurodevelopmental Outcomes

The study by Belfort et al. (2022) investigates the impact of maternal milk feeding on neurodevelopmental outcomes in preterm infants at 7 years of age. Conducted across multiple Australian perinatal centers, this research provides valuable insights into how early nutrition may influence long-term cognitive and academic performance in children born …

Exploring the Secrets of CORD7 Mutation
Genetics and Cognitive Abilities

CORD7 Mutation and Its Impact on Human Cognition

The study by Paul et al. (2022), published in Brain, investigates the effects of the CORD7 mutation on synaptic transmission and its connection to cognitive abilities. This mutation, linked to increased verbal IQ and enhanced working memory, alters the RIMS1/RIM1 protein at presynaptic active zones. The research offers new insights …

The Impact of Digital Media on Children’s Intelligence
Cognitive Development and Neurodevelopment

Impact of Digital Media on Children’s Intelligence

This review examines the findings of Sauce, Liebherr, Judd, and Klingberg (2022) on how digital media influences cognitive development in children. By incorporating genetic data and controlling for socioeconomic factors, the study offers an evidence-based approach to understanding the effects of screen time, video gaming, and social interactions on intelligence …

Cognitive Deficits in Post-Acute COVID-19 Patients
Cognitive Neuroscience and Brain Function

Cognitive Deficits in Post-Acute COVID-19 Patients

This post reviews findings from Hampshire et al. (2022), which analyzed the cognitive impacts of severe COVID-19. The study provides valuable data on the relationship between acute illness severity and long-term cognitive outcomes, offering insights into the potential recovery process and highlighting the unique profile of deficits observed in survivors. …