Showing 3 Result(s)
Nutrition and Neurodevelopment: Insights from the NUTRIMENTHE Project
Cognitive Development and Neurodevelopment

How Early Nutrition Shapes Cognitive Outcomes in Children

Anjos et al. (2013) examine how early nutrition influences cognitive and behavioral development in children. The study highlights the connection between maternal diet during pregnancy and the long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes of offspring. By focusing on specific nutrients and the holistic impact of nutrition, this research contributes to an evolving understanding …

An alternative Cattell–Horn–Carroll (CHC) factor structure of the WAIS-IV: Age invariance of an alternative model for ages 70–90.
Psychological Measurement and Testing

An alternative Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) factor structure of the WAIS-IV

The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale—Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV) is widely recognized as one of the most utilized intelligence tests for adults. While previous studies have examined the test’s structure using the Cattell–Horn–Carroll (CHC) model, individuals aged 70 and older have often been excluded due to the absence of supplemental subtests in …

Brain Mechanisms and Mathematical Performance: Insights from Mental Arithmetic
Educational Psychology and Interventions

How Mental Arithmetic Affects High School Math Performance

Price, Mazzocco, and Ansari (2013) conducted a study to investigate the brain mechanisms involved in mental arithmetic and their connection to high school math performance. By examining brain activity during single-digit calculations, the researchers highlighted how specific neural patterns relate to mathematical competence, measured through PSAT math scores. This work …