Showing 6 Result(s)
Integrating SDT and IRT Models for Mixed-Format Exams
Statistical Methods and Data Analysis

Integrating SDT and IRT Models for Mixed-Format Exams

Lawrence T. DeCarlo’s recent article introduces a psychological framework for mixed-format exams, combining signal detection theory (SDT) for multiple-choice items and item response theory (IRT) for open-ended items. This fusion allows for a unified model that captures the nuances of each item type while providing insights into the underlying cognitive …

Rotation Local Solutions in Multidimensional Item Response Models
Statistical Methods and Data Analysis

Rotation Local Solutions in Multidimensional Item Response Models

Nguyen and Waller’s (2024) study provides an in-depth analysis of factor-rotation local solutions (LS) within multidimensional, two-parameter logistic (M2PL) item response models. Through an extensive Monte Carlo simulation, the research evaluates how different factors influence rotation algorithms’ performance, contributing to a deeper understanding of multidimensional psychometric models. Background The study …

Group-Theoretical Symmetries in Item Response Theory (IRT)
Statistical Methods and Data Analysis

Group-Theoretical Symmetries in Item Response Theory (IRT)

Item Response Theory (IRT) is a widely adopted framework in psychological and educational assessments, used to model the relationship between latent traits and observed responses. This recent work introduces an innovative approach that incorporates group-theoretic symmetry constraints, offering a refined methodology for estimating IRT parameters with greater precision and efficiency. …

Theoretical Framework for Bayesian Hierarchical 2PLM with ADVI
Statistical Methods and Data Analysis

Theoretical Framework for Bayesian Hierarchical 2PLM with ADVI

This article discusses a Bayesian hierarchical framework for the Two-Parameter Logistic (2PL) Item Response Theory (IRT) model. By introducing hierarchical priors for both respondent abilities and item parameters, this method offers a detailed perspective on latent traits. Additionally, the use of Automatic Differentiation Variational Inference (ADVI) makes the approach scalable …

Simulated IRT Dataset Generator
Technological Advances in Psychology

Simulated IRT Dataset Generator v1.00 at

The Dataset Generator available at is a powerful resource designed for researchers and practitioners working with Item Response Theory (IRT). This tool simulates datasets tailored for psychometric analysis, enabling users to explore a range of testing scenarios with customizable item and subject characteristics. It supports the widely used 2-Parameter …

Optimizing Item Parameter Estimation for the Generalized Graded Unfolding Model
Statistical Methods and Data Analysis

Optimizing Item Parameter Estimation for the Generalized Graded Unfolding Model

Roberts and Thompson (2011) conducted a thorough analysis of item parameter estimation methods within the Generalized Graded Unfolding Model (GGUM). Their work focused on the performance of the Marginal Maximum A Posteriori (MMAP) procedure compared to other approaches, including Marginal Maximum Likelihood (MML) and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). By …